Efficiency, Reliability, Friendship
Nd: YLF Crystal

Nd:YLF CrystalNd:YLF (Nd:LiYF4) offers an alternative to the more common YAG host for near IR operation. The combination of weak thermal lensing (19 times lower than that of YAG), large fluorescence line width and naturally polarized oscillation makes Nd:YLF an excellent material for CW, modelocked operation. 1.053 µm output of Nd:YLF matches gain curves of Nd:Glass and performs well as an oscillator and pre-amplifier for this host. YLF is grown utilizing the modified Czochralsky technique. The as-grown crystals are then processed into laser rods or slabs, coated in house, and inspected per customer specifications.

Nd:YLF Crystal Physical Properties:

 Chemical Formula


 Space Group


 Nd atoms/m3

 1.40X1020atoms/cm3 for 1% Nd doping

 Modulus of Elasticity

 85 GPa

 Crystal Structure


 Cell Parameters

 a=5.16Å, c=10.85Â

 Melting Point


 Mohs Hardness




 Thermal Expansion Coefficient

 0.063W/cm K

 Specific Heat


 Thermal Conductivity

 8.3x10-6/k  ‖c

 13.3x10-6/k  c B

Nd:YLF Crystal Optical Properties:


 Transparency range


 Peak Stimulated Emission

 Cross Section

 1.8x10-19cm2 (E‖C)at 1064nm

 1.2x10-19cm2 (EC)at 1053nm

 Spontaneous Fluorescence Lifetime

 485μs for 1% Nd doping

 Scatter Losses


 Peak Absorption Coefficient

 (for 1.2% Nd doping)

 a=10.8cm-1(792.0 nm E‖C)

 a=3.59cm-1(797.0 nm EC)

 Laser Wavelength

 1047nm(‖c, a-cut crystal)

 1053nm(c, a or c-cut crystal)

 Sellemeier equations (λ in um)




Nd:YLF Standard Product Specifications:

 Standard Dopant



 2mm ~ 10mm


 1mm ~ 100mm 


 a-axis or c-axis

 Wavefront Distortion

 <λ/4 per inch @633nm

 Surface Flatness



 <10 arc seconds


 <5 arc minutes



 Surface Quality


 End Coating
